Any And Everything That Comes To Mind!

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Monday, January 03, 2005


Okay, today I shall complain about people not allowing others to grieve. I mean honestly, can there ever be a time limit placed on someone's emotions? We don't say to someone, you know you've loved that person for 60 years, and that's long enough. No, we don't, we commend those people and salute their level of commitment. So why then do we want to limit how long someone is allowed to grieve after losing someone they've loved? Also, grief isn't something that has to be outwardly expressed 24/7; just because a person may smile and laugh with you on Monday, doesn't make their grief any less sincere when they are crying on Friday. Another thing is you can't put your grief limits on someone else, we are all different and we should be free to emote ourselves in what ever way we want. Okay, within reason, as long as your grief isn't harming someone else (meaning you don't go up on a roof with a gun and start taking out the people below) then you should be entitled to cry for however long you choose... and friends & family should just offer support and not belittle your mental state.


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