Any And Everything That Comes To Mind!

My place to say anything, my freedom to be me.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

March 29, 2006

Okay, I’m back to this blog for awhile.

Today I feel: Displaced

The weather is: Cloudy, but free from rain!!!

My job is: Fullfilling

My personal life is: A Mystery

My Rant: Well were to begin, as usually people annoy me. This leads me to wonder whether or not I annoy them as well. Okay, that last part isn’t really true. I’m far to self involved to care about whether or not people are pleased with me. So, I suppose I’m part of the societal problem. I find this disturbing, however, because I’m really interested in what goes on in life and how other people are treated. So my self involvement it would seem is somewhat limited. Yea, for me. :o)


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