Why not Sudan?
One of my current gripes, near the top of a very long list, is the whole situation with the people of Sudan. The whole world knows what’s going on there and yet they, the new agencies, aren’t covering it with any kind of depth, and the countries of the world have turned a blind eye to all of the injustices going on there. Why? That could be any number of reasons, Sudan is in Africa and the torture, murder, displacement and rape is happening to the dark complexioned people of the region. Another reason is that the people of Sudan don’t have any oil so there’s nothing in it for the other nations to get involved about. But that confuses me… I mean isn’t that why we justified our attack on Iraq. Not for the oil and that fact that Suddam wasn’t selling to the US, but for “Iraqi Freedom”. It was, or rather our news agencies would have us believe that it was all about the liberating of the people, after of course the lack of there being any weapons of mass destruction and no 911 connection. They were being tortured, murder and raped under this tyrant regime and how could we as “good” Americans allow this to continue. Yet, the people of Sudan are left to suffer. We pour out money to aid nations in need after natural disasters, but we do little to aid in the suffering of those being oppressed by man created situations. Will no nation step up and end their suffering? Will this alleged peace treaty that’s about to be signed truly end all the dissent that has been festering for years and that has manifested in senseless killings of the past few years?