Something New...
Nothing this week has really managed to get under my skin, so I have nothing to gripe about. This is actually pretty odd, especially considering the state that the world is in and the direction that the USA is heading on issues like affirmative action and social security. I, of course, have very defined gripes on both of these issues as well as other things going on in the world, but I just don’t feel ‘venty’. So, now I’m perplexed. My plan was to turn my blog into a personal little rant page, but I hadn’t really considered what I’d post when I simply wasn’t in the mood. So, obviously, my page won’t be all about my rants, which in hind site is probably better because it’ll offer more variety. Hmmm, as good as that is, I still have no idea what to post today. *THINKING* I’ll post a favorites and recommendation. Currently, my favorite CD is ‘Wicked’ from the Broadway show. A good Broadway CD, to me, is one that can still tell the entire story with just the songs. Wicked does this beautifully. The lyrics and music are also a lot of fun and find a way of getting into your soul. If you’re an instrument player, the sheet music is also very fun to play and not very difficult (says the medium skilled violin player). So, that’s my recommendation. Oh, and if you’re really feeling ‘splurgy’ (yep, I’m making up words all over in this post) you will definitely want to check out the show. It’s light and airy, an awesome way to escape for a few hours from the realities of life. So there you have ‘scanners’ (people just nexting by, since I’ve given my blog address to no one) my recommendation for the week, the month… maybe the year.. The Wicked CD on sale at no doubt many internet music stores. :o)